Monday, November 10, 2014

Veterans Day Schedule - Amended Class Schedule

The Class Schedule for Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - Veteran's Day:

9am Only

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Strength/Skill Day - Hang Snatch 3 Rep Max

Workout of the Day:

Strength/Skill Day
Hang Snatch


Burpee Box Jump Overs(20)
max reps in 3 minutes

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Official Current Class Schedule

Updated schedule for the Hawaii Kai Box. Many of you are already aware of the the change to the class schedule, but here is the official change. The schedule is always influenced by demand, so please let us hear your thoughts.

Workout of the Day:

400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings(53/35)
12 Pull-Ups
3 rounds

Monday, September 1, 2014

Gym Closed for Labor Day

Gym is Closed for Labor Day

Please come and join us at the Neil Blaisdell Arena for the CrossFit Competition

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mainsite Workout

Workout of the Day:

5 Overhead Squats(135/95)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans(40/25)
20 Double-Under Jump Rope
5 rounds

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Descending Ladder on the Barbell

Di's is working on a bench for the gym. Almost complete. =)

Workout of the Day:

800m Row/Run
8-1 Front Squats(AC)
8-1 Toes to Bar
800m Row/Run

Saturday - Regular Class Schedule

We are back to regular class schedule for Saturday.

8:30 Basics
9:00 CrossFit

Then head to Kaimana Beach. The weather may not be ideal, but food fun and frolic will commence at Noon. Our first choice for location is the green strip directly across the Natatorium. If we cannot set up tents there we will be somewhere close.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Happy Birthday Matt!

Not even a hurricane can stop a birthday celebration! Happy Birthday Matt!

Workout of the Day:

8 Clean & Jerks(135/95)
8 Burpees
8 rounds

The Gym is OPEN - Modified Class Schedule

Here is the schedule for Friday

4:00pm - 5:30pm "Open Gym"
5:30p - Basics
6:00p - CrossFit Class
No 7:00p Class

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Classes - Thursday-YES, Friday-NO, Saturday - ??

We will be having ALL classes TODAY (THURSDAY), but NO CLASSES ALL DAY FRIDAY. Please stay posted to the blog. If there is an "ALL CLEAR" issued we may resume classes.

Workout of the Day:

3 minutes clock
500m row
Double-Unders - max reps in remaining time (IRT)
2 minute rest

3 minutes clock
400m run
Double-Unders - max reps (IRT)
2 minute rest

3 minutes clock
30 Burpees
Double-Unders - max reps (IRT)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hurricane Iselle

With hurricane Iselle fast approaching, please check with the blog to see which classes may get cancelled for Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Workout of the Day:

Strength/Skill Day

(30 minutes)
3 Squat Snatches
Must receive snatch at parallel or lower and hold at below parallel for 1 second before standing. Athletes can touch and go or pause as long as hands stay on the bar


1 minute clock
alternating one legged squats - max reps

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Lena!

Helping Lena celebrate her birthday with a great workout! * Once an athlete gets bumped out of the workout and is no longer able to complete the required reps in 38 seconds they immediately go on a 400m run and then complete 38 burpees. Score = total rounds completed + total time. If athletes are able to complete 15 rounds they do not run or do burpees.

Workout of the Day:

38 second clock
8 Deadlifts(135/95)
5 Pull-Ups
15 rounds
* 400m run
38 Burpees

Monday, August 4, 2014


Start with 1 rep of each element and add 1 rep every round. Once the last person gets bumped out of the workout, set the clock for a 3 minute rest. Score = rounds completed in each set ex:(7/6)

Workout of the Day:

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes

1+1 Gamer Box Jumps(24/20)
1+1 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10')
1+1 Kettlebell Swings(70/44)

2 rounds

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Coach Max!

Helping Coach Max celebrate his birthday with a monumental workout.

Workout of the Day:
9am & 10am
4 minute clock
7 Push-Press(135/95)
28 Kettlebell Swings(53/35)
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down (must lay down on back and get up with no hands at the beep)

4 minute clock
7 Push-Press(135/95)
28 Pull-Ups
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down

4 minute clock
7 Push-Press(135/95)
28 Power Cleans(135/95)
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down

12pm Only

4 minute clock
7 Box Jumps(24/20)
28 Front Squat(135/95)
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down (must lay down on back and get up with no hands at the beep)

7 Push-Press(135/95)
28 Push-Ups
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down

7 Overhead Squats
28 Power Cleans(135/95)
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time
80 seconds lay down

7 Handstand Push-Ups
28 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10')
34 Pull-Ups
Double-Under - max reps in remaining time

5 Double-Unders = 1 point
Score = the sum of double-under points (positive) and incomplete reps (negative)

Friday, August 1, 2014

CrossFit Mainsite

This workout was posted 2 days ago on the CrossFit Mainsite. Looked simple enough, but those are the deceiving ones aren't they.

Workout of the Day:

15 Push-Ups
100m run
10 rounds

Thursday, July 31, 2014

T-Shirts Pre-Order

We have 3 teams signed up for the VA loans event. Please help support the teams with this event t-shirt. We are taking pre-orders immediately to turn in to hylete by next week. It is the same slate grey shirt that we have with the green asterisk. T-shirt cost will be $30. Remember it is a fund-raiser for the athletes participating. Pre-Order shirt will be on the whiteboard.

Workout of the Day:

300m run
5 Overhead Squats(135/95)
10 Front Squats(135/95)
15 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10')
3 rounds

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Stamina & Recovery

Today's workout was an opportunity to test your muscle stamina and recovery time. Many used the same weight for all eight sets, unable to recover in the time allowed. Others were able to PR on all rounds, setting a new 5 rep max, 3 rep max and 1 rep max PR.

Workout of the Day:

2 minute clock:
200m run
Press 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 (just 1 max rep set per round)
1 minute rest
8 rounds
23 minute workout

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Deadlift/Burpees - Inverse Ladder

Athletes were instructed to scale the deadlift weight for an unbroken set for at least the first 2 rounds.

Workout of the Day:

10 Deadlift(255/175)
1 Lateral Facing Burpees
9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5. 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9
1 Deadlift
10 Lateral Facing Burpees

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hidden Grace

Score equals rounds completed plus double-under jump rope reps

Workout of the Day:

"Hidden Grace"
2 Minute Clock:
6 Clean & Jerks(135/95)
20 Pull-Ups
Double-Under Jump Rope - max reps in remaining time
2 Minute Rest
5 rounds

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Triple 3's

In the spirit of the 2014 CrossFit Games, we decided to give everyone a taste of the "Triple 3's". Athletes could choose to do a "Triple 1", "Triple 2" or take the full dose.

Workout of the Day:

"Triple 3"
3000m Row
300 Double-Under Jump Rope
3 Mile Run

Friday, July 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Noelle!

Noelle requested slam balls in her workout, so we had to make it a new and improved slam ball. Introducing the Medicine Ball Clean Thruster Slam Ball. MBCT Slam Balls. Happy Birthday Noelle!

Workout of the Day:

Team of 3 Workout
1) 200m Run
2) Sit-Ups- max reps while runner is out
3) Medine Ball Clean Thruster Slam Ball(50/30) - max reps while runner is out
5 rounds

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Charlie!!

All those weighted lunges will leave everyone's butt thanking you for the rest of the week. Happy Birthday Charlie!

Workout of the Day:


7 Dumbbell Squat Cleans(50/35) - pair
7 Kettlebell Cleans(53/35) pair
24 Front Racked Walking Lunges(Same Weight)
200m Run
3 rounds

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bench Press - Strict Pull-Ups - Burpees

The rig has been restructured to accommodate those athletes who like the lower bar.

Workout of the Day:

3 rounds
1 minute AMRAP(as many reps as possible)

Bench Press(body weight/ 3/4 body weight)
Strict Pull-Ups
2 minute rest

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Hand-Release Deadlift"

The hand-realease deadlift is a training movement in which the lifter deadlifts the bar and then lowers it under control back to the ground. The lifter then stands tall without the bar and then returns back down to set up for another deadlift pull. There are no "drops from the top" in this movement, so it forces the lifter to train the eccentric phase of this lift. Also, in any set of deadlift reps, the first rep is always the hardest since there is no stretch reflex. In todays workout there are 7 first pulls each round.

Workout of the Day:

7 Hand-Release Deadlifts(275/185)
20 Wall Ball(20/14 to 10')
300m Run
7 Hand-Release Deadlifts
20 Wall Ball
200m Run
7 Hand-Release Deadlifts
20 Wall Ball
100m Run

Monday, July 21, 2014

"Rope Rush"

We suggested that members use 70% - 80% of their Clean & Jerk 1Rep Max to scale this workout. The barbell becomes the big unknown factor in the 2nd and 3rd round.

Workout of the Day:

3 minute clock:
3 Cleans(185/125)
5 Front Squats(185/125)
3 Push-Jerks(185/125)
20 Box Jumps(24/20)
Max Double-Under Jump Rope in remaining time

1 minute rest

3 minute clock:
3 Cleans
5 Front Squats
3 Push-Jerks
Toes to Bar
Max Double-Under Jump Rope in remaining time

1 minute rest

3 minute clock:
3 Cleans
5 Front Squats
3 Push-Jerks
10 Box Jumps(24/20) 
10 Toes to Bar
Max Double-Under Jump Rope in remaining time

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy Birthday Coach Pat!

We are topping off this week of birthday workouts with a biggie. We have been doing this workout annually for quite some time. Even Coach Pat said that we might have to retire this ultra wod. The 9am class had a choice of half or quarter Von.

Workout of the Day:

"Pat Von"
1 Mile Run
100 Deadlifts(135/95)
100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
100 Burpees
1 Mile Run
60 min Cap

Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Kelley!

We helped Kelley celebrate her birthday at the gym and her house. Now that is a margarita glass.

Workout of the Day:

Deck of Cards
Ace = 1 rep
Face Cards = 10 reps
Jokers = 200m Run
Spade = Good Mornings(45/35)
Clubs = Front Racked Lunges(45/35)
Hearts = Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(53/35)
Diamonds = Kettlebell Swings(53/35)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Benchmark Workout: "Grace"

Workout of the Day:

30 Clean & Jerks(135/95)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Strength/Skill - Front Squats & Max Strict Pull-Ups

We will be hosting the CrossFit Level 2 Seminar at our Kaka'ako gym. Click the sidebar link if you are interested in attending. Space is limited. Level 1 Certificate required.

Time to PR on all 3!!

Workout of the Day:


Front Squat


Pull-Ups - max reps(1 attempt)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Happy Birthday Ken!

This is a very deceiving workout. Looks like it could be done in under 20 minutes. Nope! Happy Birthday Ken!

Workout of the Day:

1 Muscle-Up (add 1 every round)
7 Squat Snatches(95/65)
13 Burpee Box Jumps(24/20)
13 Toes to Bar
100m Run (add 100m every round)
4 rounds

Monday, July 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Kristi!!

Great combination of Love/Hate elements combined into a team workout. Always a lot of fun. Happy Birthday Kristi!

Workout of the Day:

Teams of 2, 3 or 4

Alternate elements
Box Jumps(24/20)
Kettlebell Swings(53/35)

Alternate elements
100m Overhead Plate Carry(45/25)
200m Run
4 rounds

Saturday, July 12, 2014

"Pound 4 Pound"

Workout of the Day:

"Pound 4 Pound"
Every minute on the minute. Start with 1 rep then add 1 rep each minute. Continue as long as possible. Rest 5 minutes between each element

Back Squat(bodyweight)

Push-Press(.75 bodyweight)

Deadlift(1.5 bodyweight)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Congratulations Lindsey!!

Lindsey has been accepted at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and will be leaving us soon. She leaves behind all these animals. This is her birthday / going away celebration.

Workout of the Day:
45 seconds work
15 seconds rest
4 rounds
Concept 2 Rower (calories)
Wall Ball (20/14 to 10')
Slam Ball (50/30)
Pull-Up/Toes to Bar Combo